Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bitter Sweet....

Today was a good sunday...dads not in the bishopric anymore...hes on the high counsel over missionary work...i know he will do good at it and work hard..and im sure it will be nice to sit with my mom at church at least today my good friend Beca Gutierrez gave her farewell talk for her mission. I cant believe shes really going...Im gonna miss her so much..she has been such a good friend to me and shes very special to me, at the same time I'm so grateful for her example and willingness to serve and im just so grateful for her growth and testimony. I's just so proud of her. She will do great things. She mentioned in her talk how we are very similar in the way we got the answer to serve a mission. Like we both didnt want to go, but we put away our wants and realized that the lords plan for us was grateful and we went and did as he asked us to. I loved as she shared her experience of prayer and finding answers in the scriptures. it brought back all the memories i had when i knew i was suppose to go...i cried alot...her testimony was strong and her story was inspiring and i just was thinking about all the good memories i have with her and just how very much im gonna miss her. I feel blessed to have great friends like beca...=)